
What kind of skin conditions can you treat with PhotoRejuvenation?
PhotoRejuvenation with intense pulsed light (IPL) simultaneously treats and corrects, in a safe and effcient way, a wide range of facial conditions, such as:
• bursted capillaries
• rosacea
• benign darkened pigmentation
• age spots
• la pigmentation tachetée spotted pigmentation
• les ridules fine lines
• les cernes foncées dark circles
• les taches solaires et dommages liés à l'exposition solaire solar spots and overexposure
• acne
PhotoRejuvenation also allows to improve skin tone and tighten pores.
What are the results?
After each treatment, your skin is softer, lighter, and more radiant with a more harmonious tone. Your complexion will be more homogeneous. Dark cercles and fine lines will be attenuated. This improvement will be gradual. You will look more rested and that will give you a youthful boost.
The combined effects of sunlight and environmental factors with your lifestyle make your skin age. With time, cell regeneration slows down and your skin tarnishes. Dark spots and other signs if damages appear, this is photoaging, it shows more around the face, the neck and the cleavage. With Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) generated by laser, PhotoRejuvenation corrects the assaults of time and gives your skin a boost of youthfulness.
What is the treatment like?
The laser light is applied on the treated areas through a series of brief impulses. Without damaging the surface of the skin. Laser light passes through the derma and lightly heats it up in order to kick start a healing process which in turns produces new collagen. The results are visible from the third session.
Which areas can be treated with PhotoRejuvenation?
Treatable areas are:
• the face
• the cleavage
• the hands
• the arms
Is it safe?
PhotoRejuvenation with intense pulsed light is a non invasive method which treats the skin without destabilizing the surface and therefore it does not disrupt the patients normal activities. However, it is necessary to use solar protection on the treated areas (two weeks prior and two weeks after treatment)
Treatment requires 4 to 6 sessions. One or two additional yearly follow up sessions are necessary.
What should I expect after treatment?
A session lasts about thirty minutes. Make up is removed and the skin is cleansed before we apply a gel. During laser pulses, you might feel a slight pinching sensation.
PhotoRejuvenation can create light reddness (erythema) which subsides one or two hours after treatment.
For more information, visit Palomar Photorejuvenation web site.
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